Yesterday, I talked about relationships ending and how we all need to be in the right headspace to move forward when we are ready to go out into the new world of dating. Not only is this new world of dating a 'minefield' to navigate but to give ourselves a fighting chance of finding a new compatible partner, as well as sustaining this new relationship - none of us wants to be back in the dating arena again if we can at all help it.
It's hard work preparing yourself mentally and getting to know someone from the beginning again, so let's make sure when we start, we are tooled up, feeling confident, date savvy and ready to show the world and some lucky lady or guy out there that it's their lucky day 😎.
This means before we even pay a penny to Bumble, Tinder, Match, E-Harmoney, etc. (the list goes on), we need to have taken the time to do the work on ourselves. Once we stop to seek reaffirmation of how fabulous we actually are - love ourselves, warts & all, then we can progress to loving someone else.
As a single person (by the way, I would like to confirm that it is my choice to be single, I am happily single, and at this stage in my life, I do not want a full-time relationship, if ever again), I say this because I had a question from a guy this morning asking me why I was single and a dating coach. Once again, I love dating and always make my dates aware of my situation so that if they are not happy with my approach or they want to date in relation to something more serious then at least we have not wasted each other's time.
Yesterday, I also talked about knowing what you want before signing up for dating. Doing some of the exercises mentioned in yesterday's blog or within our resources at is worthwhile to make your dating journey more successful. This way, you are not wasting your time or anyone else's trying to find out what you want from them after dating them for a few months.
At Select Connections, we provide our clients with a consultation and a coaching session (minimum), irrespective if they have dated before or if this is their first time back on the dating scene in 20, 30 or even 40 years. Each session is unique to each client, and the follow-up is also dependent on the client and their needs. One of the exercises we use for clients with low self-esteem is our "self-esteem checklist".
We know everyone cannot afford our services. As part of our new support brand, from Wednesday, 12th April, we will start giving away free of charge as many of our tried and tested resources, including live webinars, Q&A sessions, and 'ask the expert' sessions where you will have the opportunity to ask Melinda or me any questions about a subject or topic that is keeping you back from dating or holding down a relationship;
After completing this assessment and clarifying your self-esteem level - depending on the outcome- you can progress to the next step - determining your core values.......
Please take your time to answer and score yourself honestly. If your score is low and you feel you need to do some work on yourself, then contact us via our contact form on our website
If your score is good (over 40), then you can progress to the next step -
